Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Desert Life

I'm making a resolution to keep up with my blog.  However, I make alot of resolutions and lets's just admit that I'm kinda lazy and I'm tired alot.  What's my excuse?  Absolutely nothing.  I'm honest.  So there.
While I am being honest, I had a brief relapse in my quest to quit smoking.  I blame it on alot of things...stress, money, stress, stress, and stress. 
My apartment is in constant shambles.  I've steam cleaned the carpet eight (yes, I am keeping count) times.  That's more months than I have lived here.  I'm engaged to a man whose idea of cleaning and making things look pretty is centering his big Igloo cooler that he takes to work every day in front of the fireplace.  I have a daughter who has a large amount of stuffed animals that are bigger than...me.  I talk to a cat that shows up on my porch every night just because she agrees with everything I say.  I speak, she says "yeah". It's nine minutes after midnight and a mere five minutes ago, I wrestled a 9 billion foot garden hose into a storage closet praying the whole time that a black widow or a lizard wasn't residing in it.
The heat...enough said.  Dry heat?  Okay, well yes, it is a dry heat, but all that means is that it feels more like opening the door to your oven to check on your cookies than opening the door to a bathroom where someone just took a hot shower.
The infamous Buick...well, she's a trooper, and I can say that because I was just bragging on her the other day and the traction control system immediately went out, and she gracefully threatened to overheat on Wayne while he was stuck in traffic the other day.  But that car, who is 10 years old has had the most amazing life in the past 7 months.  She transported my stepmom, my dad, and my mice across country without a complaint.  She has been up and down mountains, she's been to California twice and seen beaches and...
Holy crap, this is getting boring and monotonous.  Like I said, at least I'm honest.
In short...
Have you ever sat at your kitchen table and seen a mountain in the distance with the sun setting behind it?
Have you ever looked at someone you plan to marry and actually felt the love and trust radiating from them?
Have you ever looked at your kid and realized they are so happy they don't even know how to handle it?
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who has never held a grudge against you, or made fun of your feelings, or has ever made you feel like the way you acted out of anger was silly or stupid (even though it was)?
Have you ever been driving to work and saw something in the distance so beautiful it took your breath away...every day?
Despite all my griping, health problems, stress...
I can actually answer yes to all of those questions up there.

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