Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I So Suck At This

So I just put a blog out about fall in the desert and noticed the most recent one that I wrote was in June or July, I can't remember which because that was so 30 seconds ago.  I figured I would write a little update on my life because with the winter months coming, I really want to try to write more.  I have plenty of material each day but I'm too tired to do anything about it.
I won't write about my job because there is nothing to say.  Everyone makes bad decisions and it's just one more thing that has blown up in my face.  Live and learn.  Shelby is an absolute wonder, and she is still my whole entire life.  Since the last time I have written she can read like you wouldn't believe.  She can't write worth anything, but MAN that kid can read.  I got a progress report saying that she is pretty much on target for everything, but she exceeds the standard in math.  She told me tonight that her teacher doesn't believe that she really reads 30 minutes a day like she says she does.  Not only does she read that much, but she teaches her imaginary students how to read AND she reads them storys.  On a less serious note though, Wayne and Ryan have both agreed that if the child had a camera on her 24/7, we would all be millionaires.  She is the funniest, clutziest airhead that has ever walked the face of the earth.  She is constantly covered in dirt and scabs, smells like puppies, never knows where her shoes and socks are, and has the most incredible laugh ever.  She's wracked up the most incredible hospital bills on the face of the earth between acid reflux, constipation, and a concussion incident on the green machine.  She takes hip hop dance lessons and has a massive crush on her dance teacher (in all his pink haired, Beyonce booty shaking glory) and must have paint on her crusty dirty toenails at all times and wear gauzy, leopard print, snake skin, strappy, neon colored, peace signed clothing.
Wayne is still Wayne, which is why I love him.  Wayne has the same job issues I do.  He works hard.  The plumbing business sucks out here but so does pretty much any business out here.  He still knows no drama, tolerates no drama, and doesn't care what anyone thinks.  He loves like no one I have ever met.  I've given him plenty of reasons to send me packing but his capacity to love and forgive is absolutely amazing.  And he's still friggin' hot.  Our apartment flooded during a monsoon, he has lost two jobs in the 9 months that I've been here, my kid is a drama queen who won't go to bed at a decent hour, and he's supported me through everything, and has never thought twice about it or given up.  Psst...I even got him to go to church one Sunday.  And when he does falter and get down, I selfishly turn into a jerk and he ends up taking care of me instead.  I can't imagine living with me.  Ugh.  He is a rock.
So that's the updates.  I'm going to bed because it is almost midnight on a Wednesday and I have really important bookkeeping crap to do tomorrow...but I miss Indiana.  I miss my mom and our impromptu dinner dates.  I miss hanging at my dad and stepmom's and hanging with my sister on dance or 'nastics nights.  I miss Nick and the rest of the herds at Agape and my awesome coworkers, and I miss my boss Joe and the cool house in Ft. Ben we worked out of.  I miss the smell of fall, the open windows at night, and Rosco sleeping at the foot of my bed.
So when are y'all moving out to Vegas?

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